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Choosing the Right Heating System for Your Business

When you contact Oregon Heating & Air Conditioning, an expert heating contractor with years of industry experience will be available to assist you.

Oregon Heating & Cooling stands behind our new equipment installations. A knowledgeable project manager will help you navigate the options and choose the right heating system for your business.

Commercial HVAC Units in Beaverton, OR

Available Heating Systems

Some of the options available include:

  • Gas Package Units
  • Split System Heating & Air Conditioning
  • Heat Pump Units
  • Ductless Heat Pumps
  • Unit Heaters
  • Ventilation & Fresh Air
  • Exhaust Options

Understanding the Options for Cooling Your Office & Commercial Space

Selecting an air conditioning system that is idea for your business in the Portland/Vancouver area. A cooling system also plays a key role in keeping your office’s energy expenses under control as well as keeping your employees comfortable during the hot summer months.

When choosing a cooling system, keep the following things in mind:

  • Choose a unit that is the right size – a good contractor will be able to measure your business space and determine the optimal size required to cool your company.
  • Choose an energy efficient unit – today’s air conditioner manufacturers are required to evaluate their equipment’s energy efficiency and provide energy ratings.
  • Chose a knowledgeable & expert contractor in Commercial HVAC
  • Install a programmable thermostat for your cooling system to ensure the temperature remains comfortable when you are at work and adjusting the temperature when you are away, thus saving money over the long term.

Oregon Heating & Air Conditioning is a certified contractor offering the best heating and cooling systems in the Portland and Vancouver area.

Our team has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau!

Contact Oregon Heating & Air Conditioning Today