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HVAC System Installation in Beaverton, OR

A problem with the heating and cooling system in your home can cause discomfort and inconvenience. It’s important to have a reliable heating and cooling company in your area that can replace HVAC and air conditioning units. At Oregon Heating & Air Conditioning, we are a locally owned and operated business, and each member of our team takes pride in their work. Our goal is to provide an exceptional experience from beginning to end, with quality workmanship and equipment. We can quickly diagnose a problem with your heating and cooling system and find an efficient, cost-effective solution. Call us today to learn more about our furnace upgrade services and HVAC system installation in Beaverton, OR, and surrounding areas.

Furnance and Air Conditioning Unit Replacement by Oregon Heating & Air Conditioning in Beaverton, OR

Affordable Furnace & Air Conditioning Unit Replacement

Our goal is to provide quality, affordable HVAC replacement services. We believe everyone should have access to reliable heating and cooling services that they can afford. We keep our prices reasonable and work closely with each customer to explore all payment and financing options. We have also partnered with Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card and Optimus Contractor Financing to provide residential financing options.

The Heating & Cooling Systems We Install

We can install or replace almost any make, model, and manufacturer of heating and cooling systems. We will help you choose the right heating and cooling system by evaluating your existing system, home needs, and budget. Our goal is to improve the comfort of your home by installing a heating and cooling system or HVAC system that operates reliably and efficiently. Some of the types of heating and cooling systems we install include:

  • Gas package units
  • Split system heating and air conditioning
  • Heat pump units
  • Ductless heat pumps
  • Unit heaters
  • Ventilation and fresh air
  • Exhaust options

Choosing the Right Residential HVAC System

Our heating and cooling experts will guide you through the process of choosing the right residential HVAC system. We understand that installing a new HVAC system is a huge investment, and we want you to be able to make an informed decision. The right heating and cooling system will keep your property at a comfortable temperature year-round without breaking your budget. When choosing a cooling system, keep the following things in mind:

  • Choose a Unit That Is the Right Size – A good contractor will be able to measure your home space and determine the optimal size required to cool your property.
  • Choose an Energy-Efficient Unit – Today’s air conditioner manufacturers are required to evaluate their equipment’s energy efficiency and provide energy ratings.
  • Choose a Knowledgeable and Expert Contractor In Residential HVAC – At Oregon Heating & Air Conditioning, we have years of experience in the industry and treat customers like family.
  • Install a Programmable Thermostat – This ensures the temperature in your home remains comfortable when you are there and is adjusted to save as much energy and money as possible when you are away.

Our Heating & Cooling Replacement Services

We offer comprehensive heating and cooling system replacement services to local homes in our community. Our heating and cooling services include:

Our Service Areas

We provide quality, reliable, and affordable HVAC and heating and cooling services throughout Southwest Portland and Washington County, Oregon. Our service area includes:

  • Beaverton, OR
  • Portland, OR
  • Hillsboro, OR
  • Lake Oswego, OR
  • Tualatin, OR
  • Tigard, OR
  • Sherwood, OR
  • Wilsonville, OR
  • Newberg, OR
  • Dundee, OR
  • Milwaukie, OR
  • Happy Valley, OR
  • Canby, OR
  • Clackamas, OR
  • Gladstone, OR
  • West Linn, OR
  • Cornelius, OR
  • McMinnville, OR
  • Oregon City, OR

Request an Estimate for HVAC Replacement

Call us today or contact us online to request an estimate for the cost of HVAC replacement in Beaverton, OR, or the surrounding areas. A friendly, knowledgeable member of our team at Oregon Heating & Air Conditioning will schedule a consultation to diagnose the problem with your home heating and cooling system. We will then find the fastest, most effective, and most cost-efficient solution. Our goal is to improve your comfort while maintaining your property’s safety and energy efficiency.

Contact Oregon Heating & Air Conditioning Today